Forces Collide

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Forces Collide

One world torn apart by war. Another to be discovered. Who is going to survive this battle?

    Neldor day Dragon


    Posts : 1245
    Join date : 2011-03-16
    Age : 33
    Location : Australia

    Neldor day Dragon Empty Neldor day Dragon

    Post  Erosaf Sat Mar 19, 2011 6:16 am

    Dragon Name: Neldor

    Dragon's Age: 700

    Dragon's Breed:Day Dragon

    Description: A huge silver brute with a black underbelly. He has green eyes.

    Rider: Drannor Silverleaf

    History: Over a century has past since he hatched and he is getting sick of waiting. He has grown up in a pleasant land and knows that though Rhothilion hunts for him, there is no chance of the Dusk Dragon finding him until the time comes for war.

    Personality: Neldor is a calm and gentle day dragon. He knows a lot of the world and is waiting for the time when Drannor finds him. He can be both fierce and stubborn, when there are others who he cares for around.

    Gaelira is his sister,
    Bizandra and Bjart are his parents and Rhothilion is his uncle

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